The flight simulator hardware can actually be connected to your computer and you can operate it with the help of joysticks, controls, pedals and so on. Some RC flight sim programs allow you to do everything from the keyboard. There are lot of these programs that are available in the market and the latest releases have actually incorporated a lot of new astonishing features and graphics.
Most of the simulation programs come with a lot of graphics and scenery such as rivers, towns, cities and roads. Looking at all these things, you feel that your experience is quite realistic. Not only that, if you really want to learn and practice the takeoff as well as the landing of the aircraft, you can do it through this flight simulator hardware. This way, you can definitely enhance your experience day by day with the help of such a program.

You can use the yoke to raise the aircraft and drop it by pushing and pulling it. This way, you can definitely experience the role of a real pilot inside the flight simulator cockpit. So when it comes to choosing the right flight simulator hardware and software, you need to take the right decision because there are lots of them being released in the marketplace every now and then. The one that you're going for should actually fit and suit all your needs in a proper way. Most of the ones that are available in the market focus more on getting the graphics of the game right but they don't actually give you the real experience of the actual flight. This is the reason why you need a simulator which can really make you feel that you are the pilot. One such program is the FLIGHT PRO SIM which is highly recommended by most of the flying experts.
So if you actually have the dream of sitting in the flight sim cockpit and experience the real take off, then you actually need to go for the right kind of RC flight sim and at the same time you should not forget that you need to go beyond the regular keyboard of your computer and should use the right kind of flight simulator hardware in order to train yourself like a pilot in the real world.